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Tobi Poster-Su

Iā€™m a theatre-maker, writer, performer and lecturer based in the South West.

I use puppetry, music and visual theatre to explore stories from the margins of history and the spaces between human and object, the animate and the inanimate and the familiar and the Other.

I am Co-artistic Director of Wattle and Daub.


Chang and Eng and Me (and Me), my 2021 digital commission from Chinese Arts Now and New Earth Theatre can be found here.

My 2020 lockdown(1) body-puppetry micro-opera My Face, commissioned as part of Scottee & Friends Ltd.‘s Home Video can be seen here.

Wattle and Daubā€™s 2017 production The Depraved Appetite of Tarrare the Freak is currently available to stream in full here.